Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Up, Down, Left, Right

10 of these home
I've been in the car for 5 hours today, which is about 4 hours longer than I can stand. I learned something though.

There are 14 turns between my sister's house and mine, if you include turning into my driveway. 10 rights and 4 lefts.

Isn't that exciting?

Ok ok ok. There is something else. When I got home I read a silly email from my mom, and at the bottom it said that 17 million people are having sex right now. But according to my calculations based on sex stats done by a condom company, I think the number is much lower.

Approximately 1 million people are having sex right this minute, and about 45 thousand of them are orgasming right NOW.

Here's how I figure it- The world averages say that people have sex about 106 times a year. That's roughly every 3 days. At the time of my study, which was about 10 minutes ago, the world population was around 6.7 billion. So if people are having sex about every third day, then I figure it's about a third of these peoples turn today. Since sex can strike at any hour, I divided these 2 billion people by 24 hours, leaving 93 million. Divide that by 60 minutes, you get about 1.5 million. Now let's say about a third of these people are too young or too old or whatever, so we'll remove half a mill, which leaves us 1 million people having sex right now. And since the world average length of time for humping is about 22 minutes, I'd say that about 45,000 of them are finishing up right about now. Less of course those who don't/can't/won't cum, and plus those who are alone.

According to the Blissymbolics Dictionary,
this is the blissymbol for Orgasm.

Gotta go.


Anonymous said...

You forgot "In, Out" in your title!

I don't even want to know how you went from driving home from my house to sex.....

Donna Piranha said...

I thought the "Up, down" covered the "In, Out."

Oh, and that reminds me- you might want to wash the sheets in your daughters room. sorry.

Didn't you know I can get to sex from just about anywhere I find myself. Even Fallon. Especially Fallon.