Ecological Footprints
Happy Earth Day!
My inner hippie loves Earth day, but suprisingly all I did today was eat, watch Meet the Robinson's at the theatre with my 4 year old, and take an ecological footprint quiz. So today I learned few things.
-The Atta Pepper Frittata at the Schellville Grill is pretty tasty.
-Frogs have far more musical potential than humans (at least according to Franny Robinson)
-If everyone lived like me, we'd need 1.9 planets to survive.
-The average ecological footprint in the US is 24 acres, but mine is only 9. It should be 4.
What is an ecological footprint? Click here to read more.
I also learned a few interesting ways to celebrate Earth day, like making a skirt out of old umbrella's, turn used guitar strings into a centerpiece, and convert an old floppy disk into a Starship Enterprise.
Um, yeah. I don't think so.
What's weird about that movie is although it has an complicated plot it's also suitable for little kids. Mature and little kids can enjoy it at the same time. Did you like it?
Ouch.. mine is 22.. guess I need to move to another state so I can buy an energy efficient house, ride a horse and have a veggie garden...
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