Sunday, March 18, 2007

Berry and the Bung Hole

Nice bung holeLike the rest of this town this morning, I was feeling a little wrecked when I woke up. For some reason, people around here really party it up on St. Patrick's Day. We went to three bars last night, and they were all packed like I've never seen, and I've seen a lot. Then somehow we ended up in JMB's garage, where we stayed drinking whisky with him and his fun wife until 2am or something. All I really remember is what I learned.

The hole in the middle of this wine barrel is called a Bung Hole.

Drive either end into bung hole for tight fit no matter the size.

This thing over here is a Bung Hole Plug. ------>

The tapered hole fits tapered plugs.

And this thing over here is a Bung Hole Reamer. ------>

The Facetious Nights of Straparola, Madonna Veronica With Her Finger in the Bung Hole, by Jules Garnier.
And this is a woman with her finger in the bung hole.

I'd like to thank Mr. Berry and the lovely Miss S for this classic lesson last night. I'll forever think of you when I hear the words, "Bung Hole."


Anonymous said...

I can't believe we've never talked about this before. Wait...I think we have.

Donna Piranha said...

I must have been too drunk to remember.

Eric Spitznagel said...

Huh. That's weird. I always thought they were called glory holes.

Or did I say too much?

Donna Piranha said...

Nothing we all don't know already my dear Spitz.