Thursday, February 15, 2007

We CAN Feed the World (and reduce waste too)

Here piggy pig pigs!Today I had to do one of my least favorite things to do- spend money on something un-fun. Not being a very domestic kitten, kitchen appliances do not excite me in any way. Well, I probably would have an orgasm if I came home and found my old Kitchen-Aide dishwasher replaced with one like my friend Tim has, but it would just be a mild, single orgasm, and like the excitement of having actual food in my refrigerator, the thrill would be gone within a day or so.
In the fading glow of yesterdays chocolate and little conversation hearts, I bought the least romantic kitchen appliance ever- a garbage disposal. I know I should be grateful that I had the money to buy it, but, ew. I'd rather blow the 90 bucks on drinks and hors d'heurves at my favorite restaurant. Shit, even at my least favorite restaurant.
Watching my handy (and ever-so-appreciated) Colonel installing the damn thing this evening, I kept wondering why on earth we even needed to buy a "powerful food waste disposal."

Food waste.

Those words have been taunting my abdominal roll of fat for the last hour or so. I wondered about the statistics of our food wasting, gluttonous, obese nation and learned this today:

According to a 10 year study by anthropologist Timothy Jones, 40 to 50 percent of US food goes to waste. In California, 16% of disposed material is food waste.

There are numerous contributing factors to these numbers, and there are also several plans in effect to deal with them. Food donations, composting, and smarter buying at the grocery store are the major ones, but here's something I found somewhat clever-
3 college women have started what they call the "IHO" concept. Their idea is to take some of these food wastes and make them into packaging for what they call "street food"- what I'm guessing is what we call "fast food" here in the US.

From dried fish skins to dehydrated orange rinds, these women might be taking things a little too far. But since I admire creativity, especially when used to find solutions to our ever-fucked-up environment, I'd be willing to eat french fries out of a discarded salmon skin. Maybe.
How about I just donate the skins from my next preferred money-sapping endeavor?

While we're on the subject, I HIGHLY recommend one of my favorite movies, The Girl in the Cafe.
Trust me, it's good. It's not one of those sappy romance movies like it sounds. I wouldn't do that to you.


Anonymous said...

I am one of those people who is very anti waste, it's almost an obsession. I feel guilty even when I crap.

madmax said...

Did you know that words are annually removed from the dictionary because they're not used anymore? Google it.

Donna Piranha said...

Thanks Madmax, I will!
I wonder what the last years obsolete words were. Maybe I'll blog it tomorrow.