Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Rose-Scented Shit

It's got to be better than rose-scented shit. Or shit-scented roses.I was so tired today that even during asskickboxing this evening, I just sorta girly punched and pussy kicked my big blue bag. And yawned about 45 times. It was kind of embarrassing. When I got home and started doing some research on something interesting I heard about this morning, I decided that I'd feel more up to a good blog session after a nice hot bath. I sooo enjoy the sensation of procrastination sometimes.
But, right after I got in the tub and long before my little fingers could even begin to think about getting all wrinkly and pruny, someone knocked on the door. (Yes, we're still in the 50's around here and have only one bathroom. I can't imagine why houses were ever built with just one.) Anyway, the monster shitter in the house, who is also my oldest son so I can't make too much fun of him, needs to crap "in like 30 seconds". So, what are my options here? Make him hold it and enjoy my heaven for a little longer, or get out for a few minutes and then jump back in? I quickly got out and thought maybe, just maybe, I'd be able to return to my paradise very shortly.

But no.

No way. After a few minutes I was begging for matches and I don't really even know why. I just knew that somewhere, sometime, someone told me that lighting matches after you excrete (I love that word) takes care of the smell, and I was desparate.
Then I was curious.
Then I was enlightened.
After some internet research where I learned that matches burn up the sulfur in the air, eliminating the source of the stink, I learned about something called Just-a-Drop.

It's a product "not sold in any stores" that will "eliminate 98% of embarrassing bathroom odors... everytime!". All you do is put one drop into the toilet before you shit, and odors are trapped.

I'm not sure if I'm willing to "buy one get one free" for $16.99 plus shipping when I have a bunch of free matches from Vegas lying around the house. But then again, it does come with a convenient carrying case. And this review was pretty good.

Alrighty then. Now I need to go drain the tub full of cold water.


Anonymous said...

You need to move.

Donna Piranha said...

Yah. Gah. But ya know I'm a starving artist.
Send money. Please.