Sunday, January 07, 2007


I don't know what I learned today. It's Sunday and I'm lazy. As usual. I suppose if I learned anything, it's what I figured out today when calculating what I need to do for the first quarter of this year.

If I want(ed) to lose 20 pounds in 3 months, I need to burn 777 more calories than I inhale, every single day.

So if my body uses 2000 calories a day just living, breathing and scratching my ass, plus another 1000 or so doing the usual getting in and out of my car, walking back and forth to the kitchen, and kicking the stupid printer 20 times, I guess that means I could eat 3000 calories a day and stay the same weight. Right? But if I went to ass-kickboxing every day, which Muscle and Fitness magazine rates at 800 calories burned per hour, (ummmm.... yeah, I wish) could I lose the same weight and keep eating the same food? Or could I lose that 20 pounds by just eating 2000 calories a day instead, and not do any exercise at all? Somehow that sounds like a lot of food for just one day. I'm thinking maybe I'll go for 1,500 calories a day and getting my ass kicked twice a week. Or...

I could start becoming a really serious fidgeter. According to Professor Leonard Storlein, from the Department of Biomedical Science at Wollongong (yes, Wollongong) University, you can burn up to the equivalent of a 6 mile run just by fidgeting, or what doctors call NEAT, NonExercise Activity Thermogenesis, all day long. Unless of course, the Great Moments in Science website is a sham. It's worth a try though.

Happy Birthday Little Sista!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read this and thought wow.. I started on Nutrisystem on the 7th.. the day you write about calories and diets. You must have been reading my mind about diets