Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Speaking of Brains...

Anna Nicole Smith's brains?I read an interesting article today about how being a mom makes you smarter. You can read it here yourself if you're interested. In this article, I read about a brain study I found intriguing.

Some swiss scientists did some comparing of the brains of parents, and the brains of lucky bastards without kids. They found that the brains of parents WITH kids were more active when they heard a baby CRY. The brains of those fortunate enough to have never heard a baby cry at 3am for the fourth month in a row, had brains more active when hearing a baby LAUGH.

I think it's interesting (seriously) that there is a definite brain change after having kids. More proof that the minds of parents differ from the minds of the bored and lonely.

Another brain lesson today is from a warning posted in the New York Times by Kentucky doctors.

People should not eat squirrel brains, which are a Kentucky regional delicacy. Squirrel brains can have something like Mad Squirrel Disease which can be fatal to humans. 11 "squirrel brain eaters" have been diagnosed with spongiform encephalopathy and 6 of them died. Normally only one person in 10 years dies from eating squirrel brain.

I say, if you're gonna eat squirrel brain, better that you should be taken out of the gene pool. Eat up! And please, I don't want to hear how squirrel is "good eatin".

I also read today about a monkey brain that operated a machine through a computer.

It appears that someone hooked a monkey's brain up to a computer, that was hooked up to another computer that was hooked up to a mechanical arm. When the "animal" reached for a banana, the brain waves transfered to the robot arm and caused it to also reach for a banana.

It's old news from 6 years ago so I'm sure there have been advancements since then, but I'm too tired to look it up right now. I thought it was interesting though, and the possibilites are endless.

Do you know someone who falls asleep at inopportune moments? Then perhaps you should get them one of these.

It's a Brain Buzzer. Whenever you feel like your about to fall asleep, like right now, just bite on the vibrating wand and the vibrations will transmit to your brain and buzz you awake. And you won't even "aggravate your neighbors"!

Now there's a great idea. Check out more at Totally Absurd.

And the last brain thing I learned today is for those of you who are lacking one.

For a little over 16 British pounds, you can buy about 2 weeks worth. Just 2 capsules, twice a day, and you'll be as smart as me! Because "about 5% of people in the UK have some form of dementia..."

Just for you...


Anonymous said...

Darn, so no eating the squirrels I wanna kill in my backyard?

Anonymous said...

Absoultly Killin me.."Squirrel Brain Eaters".. Thats gonna be the name of my new band....

Donna Piranha said...

No mom, go ahead. Eat squirrel brain!
Them r good eatin'.

Donna Piranha said...

What kind of music would a band called Squirrel Brain Eaters make?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkin of mabye a backwoods Kentucky Punk Metal thing...

Donna Piranha said...

I dare you.

Anonymous said...

A dare... somehow these always seem to get me in trouble....

Donna Piranha said...

Double Dare.