Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Old Man Is Snoring

When I let the cat out just now, I saw that it's raining!

I thought it would be a good long year before I was happy to see the drippy stuff again, but it was a nice surprise. So I sat out on the front porch with our cute little candle-lit, home grown Jack o'Lanterns and watched it come down in the glow of the streetlight for a while.
Maybe I'm just in a good mood because of yoga today, which always makes me feel great for days. Or maybe I'm happy because I just read my second column in our local paper, which is really satisfying. Or it could be the floor polishing I just did with my back. I guess it doesn't really matter, I'm just happy that I'm happy about it.


Anonymous said...

I love the taco truck.. especially parked outside Inskeeps.... I mean the El Verano Inn....

Anonymous said...

We called the LV the Toilet Bowl back in the 80's/90's.

Ahh the first rain. Careful, it flushes out the Calisoga Spiders. (Not Calistoga). Big fuckers.

Mommie Dearest said...

Sighs.. i love rain, love thunder and lightening.. but all it is down here is cold. As for polishing the floor with your back.. I really didn't need to know that 411

Donna Piranha said...

Just seeing if anyone's paying attention. :)

Donna Piranha said...

I see that you too are a columnist for the Sun now Mr. JM. Congratulations!