Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fermented Milk Product

We all had Thai lunch together at the office today, one of my favorite meals. We like it spicy and spicy it was! In fact, it was so spicy, our designer could barely eat it and wanted yogurt. Yogurt? Yeah. Here's what I learned:

Yogurt helps tame the spice burn. There are several dishes made from yogurt for this very purpose. Thair Shadam, or Thayir sadaam, is a yogurt-rice course. It might come with hot pickles. Hot Pickles? Mmmm. (Wouldn't that defeat the purpose though?) Dahi is what they serve with Indian food. Raita is fresh yogurt with spices, cucumber, onions and tomatoes.

I had no idea. I guess they only serve it to wimps.


Anonymous said...

It's so fun!!!
Thank you good information.
Have a good day!

Donna Piranha said...

Thank you Korean fan!