Thursday, August 03, 2006

Beware the Ole Bark Cover-Up

"A few days" have turned into a few weeks now, in prepping my house to "put on the market". I started out thinking, "No biggie, we'll just finish painting the living room and clean up the backyard". Well, let that be a lesson to you. I've already learned the hard way. Anyway, today I learned a new trick. I'm sure it's an old trick, but I'm a new dog.

Shredded bark does for your yard what paint does for, in my case, everything else. There's a saying running through my head, my own twisted twist on something an old friend once said, "A little bit of bark can hide a multitude of sins". How true it is. As I was spreading the splintery crap around my precious new Impatients today, I started feeling the same sense of satisfaction I get when framing one of my photographs. It's amazing what the right frame does for an image. That's what bark will do for a crappy yard! It's amazing how much better my yard looks now. And it was sooooo easyyyy! Why didn't I do this years ago?

This isn't my yard, but I found this image on and had to share it, just so I can say Thrifty fun. Thrifty. Fun. Hmm.

There is of course, a flip side. I did notice as we were "house hunting" (and believe me, hunt is the right word here, as it's every bit as brutal and gory.) , a lot of yards covered in bark. I actually lost interest in a great house because of the "bark factor", even before I was wisened to the trick.

Beware the ole bark cover-up she says.

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