Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mayday Mayday Mayday!

There's a good reason they all want to be here, and I fear it will soon be just a memory.Down at the farmer's market this evening, there was quite the immigration rally, or whatever it was called, going on in the square. Hundreds of Hispanics were marching, waving Mexican flags and shouting things I didn't comprende. I vaguely knew what was going on since I read about it last year after their big march down the entire Vegas strip. It was hard to be sympathetic to their cause while being trapped in the Bellagio parking lot with 3 kids for over an hour.
Wanting to know more about what was going on today, I came home and did some internet reading, where I learned something about "immigration solidarity."

There are people, I'm not sure exactly what to call them, who think that "undocumented" immigrants are not illegal.

I did NOT learn what the giant wooden cross they had today was all about. As far as I could tell, it was completely unrelated.


Anonymous said...

Nothing they do makes sense.. i'll probably offend people here but i'm so tired of the ILLEGALs..and unfortunately they have cinco de mayo coming up soon.... next time by the way you're stuck like that
yell "LE MIGRA" and the crowds will scatter..

Donna Piranha said...

It's not my intention to start a political rant here. I could say a lot of things about this issue, but it's not the purpose of this blog. I'd like to keep it about me. :)

Anonymous said...

And Cinco De Mayo is an American made holiday, probably invented by Hallmark. They don't celebrate it anywhere else. Mexican Independence day is a completely different date.

madmax said...

Sorry if that offends, it's just my opinion.

Unknown said...

ummm, I think the cross is because only a Mexican would be named Jesus . . . and there could be some confusion involved; or maybe it's bad translation. Like when you hit "4" and get ATM instructions in Mandarin, when you really meant to hit "6" and get them in Swahili, or maybe "8" because you also understand ATM instructions in Russian . . .

Anonymous said...

by the way, the word you are looking for to describe those morons who think "undocumented" is not synonymous with "illegal" is dumbocrat.