Friday, May 18, 2007

Tacky Hack-y

Visqueux est mauvais.A writer friend of mine has a very clever and colorful way of writing. Sometimes he's so canny that I feel like a retard when I'm reading it. Like I don't quite grasp it all. Like sometimes I have to simultaneously refer to a common English dictionary like a translator guide just to get the gist of it. So today I learned a few new words, compliments of Daedalus Howell.

Twee- affectedly dainty or quaint

Drubbing- to beat with a stick or the like

Today when Rebecca and I learned these words, she cleverly suggested that "Twee Drubbing" would be a great name for a band. I agree. Anybody reading here play a flute? I don't think a band with a name like that would be complete without a little Jethro Tull-ish tootling.

And while we're on the subject of words, my Colonel who is well known for his random fact spewing, came out of no-where with some info about the word "sinister." He really needs new glasses, so he's slightly obsessed with his eyes right now, and spontaneously remembered something his optometrist once said about left eyes being something-something sinister. So we looked it up.

As common knowledge, one of the definitions of sinister is- "bad, evil, or wicked." What I learned today was another definition- "of or on the left side." Which reminded me of my high school French class, where we learned that "left" en Francais is "gauche." In both French and English, the word gauche is used to mean tacky, awkward, or lacking social grace. So....

Tacky is evil. And vice-versa.



Anonymous said...

In Latin "Oculus Dexter" is right eye and "Oculus Sinister" is left eye. I always remembered it in my nursing classes because I am not left handed and therefore it is my "evil" side. Duh. Maybe Colonel is thinking of the Latin words?

Anonymous said...

I believe Twee Drubbing is Spinal Tap's new drummer...