Sunday, September 10, 2006

Goodnight Sweetheart

I'm so tired. I was just looking for a nice image of a girl sleeping for my post, and then I was going to write something about teaching myself to go to bed early. Then I found something a teeny bit more interesting. I said a teeny bit.

The period of falling asleep is called the Hypnogogic state, and waking up is called the Hypnopompic state. There is something called Hypnogogic Sensations, which are dream-like experiences that occur during either state. Have you ever just drifted off to sleep and then jumped up suddenly because you felt like you were falling? That was a hypnogogic sensation.

It was very interesting reading, but I'm really tired. I'm going to go do some field research and see if I can find some fun hypnogogic sensations.

Here's a little blurbage for your reading pleasure, but I recommend you go look it up for more interesting information.

The hypnagogic state can be accompanied by or associated with anomalous phenomena such as alien abduction, ESP, telepathy, apparitions, or prophetic or crisis visions....


Marcelo José Blanco said...

hypnopompic state experience: sleep paralysis: common result: feeling violated: yeah, that's how I like to start my day.

Donna Piranha said...

I completely agree.