After amazing, miraculous sex in the wee hours of this morning, I came to a conclusion (among other things) about something I'd been wondering about for a few months now.Why is it that sometimes sex is sooo amazing and sometimes it's just ok? Well, I now have my own theory, which I offer as free and sound advice from the voice of experience to all of you other pleasure seekers out there.
If I have spent my day dealing with numbers, sex is good. If I've spent my day writing, sex is STUPENDOUS. Now, I'm a lover of both math and the alphabet, which is a rare condition I am told, so at first I didn't think there was any correlation between what I do at work and what I do on the living room floor. But the more deeply I looked into it, the more I realized that there is indeed a relationship. Math and numbers put me into a logical, square-ish, up-tighty mode,which is not conducive to excellent sex. Think of your crabby third grade teacher. She never had sex. Likewise, letters and words make me all flowy and happy and calm, which is perfect for getting creative, which leads to, well, if you don't know maybe you should pick up a copy of Cosmo. Anyway, I love writing and if a day spent with words equals great sex for me, I'd say my official theory is thus:
Spend your days doing what you love and you'll have excellent sex! Or, have sex on your lunch hour, which is always fantastic.
Or read Cosmo. Or all of the above.Take your pick.